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2017 Popcorn/Peanut Info


Sale Dates: now until October 16, 2017

**Popcorn Goal per Scout/family: $375**

However, please sell as much as you can!! Our Troop’s goal is $14,400—the Troop will
receive an additional 1% bonus if we reach this goal.

We can meet this goal if EVERY Scout does his part.

Continuing this year: 10% of your sales will be deposited into your own Scout
account. Money can be used to pay for registration, camping trips or summer camp.

**Money should be collected at time of order.
**Checks should be made out to “Troop 73.”
**Please give a receipt (attached) to each buyer

Turn in money and order forms to Kathe Maneval on Monday, October 16 at 7pm.

**Popcorn/Peanut Orders arrive on Friday, Nov. 17. Pick up time and location will be
announced later. Please deliver your orders as soon as possible after pick-up.
**All units in the Stonewall Jackson Area Council will be participating in the prize
program this year.
**In addition: Scouts can earn a Popcorn Sales patch with rockers for doing the


Galaxy Wars Patch: receive it for participating in this year’s Popcorn and Peanut sale
“Trained Rocker”: receive it for participating in a troop or online training
“On-line Sales Rocker”: receive it for selling one item on-line
“Take-order Rocker”: receive it for selling one item door-to- door
“ACE Rocker”: receive it for filling up a form or selling 30 items


New this year:
We will have youth Leaders for our Popcorn & Peanut Sales. They will be providing training activities, incentives and tracking for our sale.

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